Project Khoryv
In the shadows of truth, lies dwell
Project Khoryv is a noir detective RPG laced with elements of horror.
Step into the shoes of a young journalist as you delve into shadowy mysteries, where every clue and every character holds a piece of the puzzle. Stay sharp and attentive, for only the keen-eyed will uncover the grim truths hidden within this city.
The game unfolds in a procedurally generated city, inspired by Eastern Europe. The day-night cycle and dynamic weather system not only set the mood of the game but also affect gameplay — your character will suffer from fatigue if has lack sleep and reaching your destination becomes more challenging under harsh weather conditions. Speaking of destinations, in Project Khoryv, places don’t appear on the map until you discover them. Through conversations, notes, and clues, you’ll gather approximate locations, but it’s up to you to navigate the city and uncover these hidden spots to further your investigation.
The game features a branching dialogue system where choices shape the story and the world around you. As you gather evidence, analyze clues, and draw conclusions, be cautious—not all evidence is trustworthy, and not every conclusion is accurate. The characters you encounter have their motives and attitudes, which will shift based on your actions and decisions.
꓅ꀟꁄꎡꁄ ꅔꎡꁄ ꁍꅂꁕꉖ, ꅔꍈꁕ ꇞꀟꁄꒄ ꅔꎡꁄ ꎡꁄꅔ꒒. ꍞꅂꇞ ꁕꁄꅔꁕ, ꍈꅂꎡ ꅔ꒒ꀧꃴꁄ, ꋣ꒦ꇞ ꇞꀟꁄꒄ ꉖꄡ꒦꒒ꉣꇞ ꇞꀟꀧꉖ ꋃꅂꎡ꒒ꁕ ꇞꅂ ꇞꀟꁄꀧꎡ ꒒ꀧꈵꁄꉖ. ꇛꁄꅂꉣ꒒ꁄ ꇞꎡꒄꀧꍈꁅ ꇞꅂ ꄡꅂꉈꉈ꒦ꍈꀧꄡꅔꇞꁄ ꋃꀧꇞꀟ ꇞꀟꁄꉖꁄ ꁕꁄꀧꇞꀧꁄꉖ. ꌚꅂꉈꁄ ꋃꅂꎡꉖꀟꀧꉣ ꇞꀟꁄꉖꁄ ꁍꅂꁕꉖ, ꅔꍈꁕ ꅂꇞꀟꁄꎡꉖ ꇞꎡꒄ ꇞꅂ ꒦ꉖꁄ ꇞꀟꁄꀧꎡ ꉣꅂꋃꁄꎡꉖ. ꃲ꒦ꇞ ꍈꅂ ꅂꍈꁄ ꄡꅂ꒦꒒ꁕ ꁕꀧꉖꅂꋣꁄꒄ ꇞꀟꁄ ꋃꀧ꒒꒒ ꅂꌺ ꇞꀟꁄ ꁍꅂꁕꉖ. ꃲꁄ ꅔꋃꅔꎡꁄ, ꁕꅂꍈ’ꇞ ꁕꎡꅔꋃ ꉈ꒦ꄡꀟ ꅔꇞꇞꁄꍈꇞꀧꅂꍈ ꇞꅂ ꒄꅂ꒦, ꋣꁄꄡꅔ꒦ꉖꁄ ꁍꅂꁕꉖ ꄡꅂ꒦꒒ꁕ ꉖꀧꁅꀟꇞ ꒄꅂ꒦.